Sunday, November 23, 2008

Call of Duty...Why war simulation brings out the best in Americans

Ok... so let me quantify this post with a bit of a disclaimer. At the time of writing this and probably for the not too distant future, I am heavily immersed in the Call of Duty: World at War video game.

So, I turned on my particular console this fine morning and found that Lo and Behold, the video game i was indeed building an unhealthy obsession over was in need of an update and with a hefty amount of my money spent on this game i was indeed happy to find that my wallet was able to remain in tact.

The update bar filled and i was happy, for i was now able to continue to bayonet, shotgun, disembowel and bloodily murder my way through another online adventure.

The Game loaded far so good. I cycled through the options all the while with the memories of the previos nights escapades fresh in my mind. My fingers and neck twitched with anticipation.

And then it happened.

The words that would haunt me for the next 8 - 10 or so hours.

!!!Host Migrating!!!

To the uneducated observer, this may seem like no big deal. Allow me to explain.

With every video game that has been released on any console in the history of online play, the companies that had developed those games had designed special designated servers for people in a particular region to get on and play, Optusnet and telstra in Australia and NZ have their own servers and the companies have server space in each region.

What host migrating is, is the developers way of bypassing that and saying well, you want to play the game huh? hahahaha stupid fool, you will play where we want you to play and where we want you to play is generally filled with hillbillies and racist xenophobes who "Don't want no foreigners on their servers."


My general distaste for racists aside, the fact that you dont even want them invading your virtual space is kind of sad and somewhat worrying.


Anyways... In my attempts to understand exactly what the problem was I went to the source for all COD: W@W info, The forums, and what should i find but yet more evidence that everyone is inherently anti-American.

Here are a few gems...

"I don't want any Brits, people who don't speak English on my servers anyways..."

- you my dear sir need to go back to school and learn you some history. First of all, without Britain, you bunch of separatists would have nowhere to oppress native American folk and steal their land from them, just like we ex convict [Australian] folk would have nowhere to live if the British didn't annex Indigenous Australian Land.

The great reply to this came from Denmark:

"And this is why we want Americans to have their own servers."

-Can someone say "Served!?!" or at least "Servered!?!" lol

This one from our fine shores...

"I love COD: W@W but the fact that i have to listen to rednecks bitch and moan about foreigners for round upon round is making me annoyed that Treyarch (the developers) got me to fork out $100."

-Someone who knows value for money...

My favorite was this

"The game was made for Americans so we should be given more respect"

- No sir... what you should be given is a lobotomy at screwdriver point.

but after trolling through all 11 or so pages on the forum, and seeing countless post about "Thanks for the update"

my reply was...

"I know i may be the only one thinking about this but all of the people who are saying 'Thanks for the update' don't they realize that this is in fact what got us here in the first place... i mean we could all be online right now digitally maiming people form all over the place but instead we are here bitching and moaning about how bad the devs are... problem will be fixed when it is fixed, i am as pissed as the next guy about the issue but Jesus...chill out.

oh and as for all the Americans whining about how they don't want to play with no god damned foreigners, trust me when i say this... you are the last people we would want to be playing in the first place but the fact that we get to digitally maim and bayonet you is just the sweet sweet icing on a faeces flavoured cake."

Not exactly short....but effective.

After the digital tirade was over, it really got me thinking, are we all inherently racist, I know Americans are not a race of people as much as they like to believe they are.

I am all about playing the best players, i don't mind losing as long as the skill improves, it is like going to a chess tournament and only playing Australians, different people have different tactics and not playing the best person only limits your skills.

It is good to have a little variety now and then but seriously... if i have to hear another... "hell yeah muh fuckah" or a "Niggah... you dead!"

i will take a lighter to the disk, post haste

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