Sunday, November 16, 2008

Citizen Journalism

Citizen Journalism is not a new phenomenon, it is however, a very unique and effective method of communication. Essentially, it gives anyone with access to the internet the ability to bring attention to any particular topic that may be affecting them. From topics like social injustice to politics to bullying to whatever tickles the writers particular fancy.

Blogging is a great tool for this. The reason for this is that people can express part of themselves in their writing. Whether it is the topic, the style of prose or the associated material. The blog someone keeps says a lot about them not just their interests but how they relate as a member of the human race.

The benefit of the internet as the medium is that it allows for wider dissemination of these articles.

Bloggers were originally seen as cyber-dissidents but with the arrival of blogs such as the huffington post ( this view quickly changed.

At the end of all this what can we really say about Citizen Journalism? Is It merely a tool to give the masses a voice or does it have some deeper social impact?

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